Innovative Edge XC Series will take place in 2024
Registration Link: RunSignup
Kids Run August 1 & 8 @ 6pm
5k Runs August 1, 8, 15, 22 @ 6:30pm
Cobbs Hill Park, Rochester, NY
5k Cross County Race
The 5k will be a cross country style race around Cobb’s Hill Park. Most of the race will be on grass and trails with some short stretches on pavement (see the course map below for more detail). The course will be marked with brightly colored flags and there will be several marshals on course to help runners.
5:00PM – 6:00PM: Same day registration available
6:00PM: Start of kid’s fun runs
6:30PM: Start of 5k race
Kid’s Fun Runs
There will be three kid’s runs for children age 13 and under:
- 50 meter “final stretch” run for kids age 5 and under
- 1/4 mile loop around the field
- 1/2 mile loop around the field
All participants will receive a ribbon and popsicle at the finish. The races will not be timed. Parents are welcome to run with their children. All spectators are strongly encouraged to cheer the kids on.
The 22th Edition of the Tour de Pain
Many years ago, the Tour de Pain was born out of the age-old question of “what would happen if I just keep racing?” Now in its 20th edition, the Tour de Pain has been enlightening Rochester area runners for decades. If you’re looking for glory, then this isn’t the race for you. If you’re looking for pain, then this my friend, is the race for you.
The Tour will be held as part of the final IEXC race on August 22th. Immediately following the 5k race participants will complete a 1 mile race and then a 400 meter race. Might there be some special, painful surprises to commemorate 20+ years of Pain? Your journey to enlightenment begins with a single click.
To register for the Tour de Pain, you must also register for the August 22th 5k race.
All races are free to members of the Genesee Valley Harriers club. You will have an opportunity to join as part of registration if you are not currently a member.
Awards will be presented immediately following the race. Merchandise awards are provided by Innovative Edge Sports to the top three male and female finishers in each of the following age divisions:
- Youth (13 and under)
- High School (14-18)
- Open (19-39)
- Master’s (40-49)
- Veteran’s (50-59)
- Super Vets (60-69)
- Ultra Vets (70+)